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No Democracy on SS6

Thursday 4th October, 2018

Summaries of all the representations submitted on the Local Plan are now online on the link below.  

The strength of feeling across the District against the development of SS6 is huge.  It is no surprise that 40 % of all of the representations received on the 18 Strategic Sites were in opposition of one site: SS6.  This is a damning indictment of the Council's strategy.


This is the site that was slipped into the Local Plan at the last minute and on which the District Council have totally failed to consult until now, the very final stage.   Yet Councillor Edward Heron, portfolio holder for Planning and Infrastructure, flatly refuses to allow our District Councillors to consider the responses which will now go straight to the Inspector with no opportunity for any debate or discussion.


Local people have never had, and now will never have, a chance to express their views to their elected Council on this planned development.  So much for democracy.  A copy of our PALLS letter to Cllr Heron and his reply is below.


Our letter to NFDC

Response from Councillor Heron, NFDC

On-line Access to Representations

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