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Object Now

We have plenty of information below about our campaign, including our own submitted objections and reports.  But if you want to skip the details, here are the two links to the two local authorities involved in this planning application.  You will be asked to 'comment' rather than object.  Both authorities are still accepting objections.  New Forest National Park objections should be emailed to:

Whether it’s a Boxing Day amble or a regular running route, you may have fond memories of using the quiet and tranquil lanes which run through the southern parts of Lymington and Pennington. 


Mature oaks and natural grass verges create green tunnels.  Birds populate the hedgerows and cow parsley runs rampantly through many of the wild verges.  The Lanes are a special area – acknowledged as a unique part of Lymington in New Forest District Council’s Lymington ‘Local Distinctiveness Report’.


Significant building plans are submitted right now for a large housing estate (112 units) which will be built on fields between Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway lane.


No-one can deny that there is a huge demand for housing in our area, particularly affordable housing; however, we are a Lanes focused organisation.  Our opposition to this development is not anti-housing of any type, affordable or otherwise.  We exist to protect the lanes as part of our local heritage.


PALLS has a membership base of almost 800 members and the vast majority of our members do not live on the Lanes – there are fewer than 30 houses that adjoin the application site.  This is NOT nimbyism.


What we all share is the knowledge that this development will destroy the lanes and result in an unsafe environment for EVERYONE WHO USES THEM - existing and future residents, whatever tenure of housing they live in, walkers, cyclists, horse riders and motorists alike. 


Reports show that the lanes will become unsafe for all. Traffic flows and vehicle speeds will increase.  Not such a pleasant or safe location for a family stroll, take the pushchair up to preschool or use your mobility scooter to go to the shops. 


PALLS represents almost 800 people who think this is wrong.  Please object now to this unsafe and damaging development.


What can you do to Save The Lanes?  Join PALLS and put in BOTH of your objections.  Links to both are below.

Hampshire Highway's Response to Amended Planning Application

February 2024

PEP's Review of Hampshire Highway's Response to Amended Application

February 2024

Hampshire Highways' Comment on Cicero's Planning Application

April 2023

PALLS Objection to NFDC

March 2023

PALLS' response to Hampshire Highways 

October 2024

Hampshire Highway's Response to Cicero's latest change in highways proposals

September 2024

Stoneriver's Application for 30 units on SS6

April 2024

PALLS Objection to Cicero's Amended Planning Application

December 2023

PEP's (PALLS') Response to Hampshire Highways' Comment on Planning Application

May 2023

PALLS Objection to New Forest National Park

March 2023

Lymington and Pennington Town Council's Objection to NFNPA

March 2023

Lymington & Pennington Town Council's Objection to NFDC

March 2023

PEP's (PALLS') Review of Cicero's Highways Proposal 2023

February 2023

PALLS Report: Ecology

January 2023

PALLS Report: Drainage

February 2021

Independent Road Safety Audit

December 2021

PALLS Report: Highways (PEP)

December 2020



Whilst mindful of the need for local housing, we believe this development  proposed by NFDC and the site promoters will seriously damage the tranquillity and natural environment of Woodside, Lower Pennington and the surrounding Lanes. 

The recreational and environmental value of the Lanes is cherished by the whole of Pennington and Lymington, and beyond.  We cannot afford to lose them.


Read on to view some of our reasons to object. Urbanisation of the Lanes

Increasing traffic flows along the lanes will make them less safe for all users.  The site promoters, Cicero, show no safe pedestrian or cycle access to local schools and shops.  Moreover, they show no way to provide them without destroying the soft verges and mature trees that line the Lanes and urbanising them with lighting and tarmac. 

Cicero. the site promoter, cannot deliver a safe, sustainable development. 


Cyclist on lanes.jpg the new Southern Rat Run

A vehicular link road between Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway Lane is totally unnecessary and unjustified. It requires development within the National Park, which is contrary to its guiding principles; will encourage car use, contrary to Government policy; and create rat-running through the network of lanes including Poles Lane, Woodside Lane and Viney Road.  


We have repeatedly asked why a through-route is needed and we have never received an answer which is justified under standard planning requirements.

Which just makes you wonder why it is being built..and who really stands to gain from it.

P1040850.JPG the straightening and widening of Ridgeway Lane

Cicero and the landowners want to realign Ridgeway Lane.  This would increase traffic speeds in Ridgeway Lane close to Woodside Park, extend further into the National Park and destroy the character of this lane.  Our rural lanes are ancient droving routes and their curves, hedgerows and verges are very much part of our local history. 

There are plans to build two passing places on Ridgeway Lane - these will be edged with concrete curbs and will culvert ditches and destroy trees.  This is effectively widening the lane.


We can't show you what the developers would like to do to Ridgeway Lane and Poles Lane because they will not allow us to use their maps.  But this is how the junction looks now.


P1040850.JPG Development in the New Forest National Park

Cicero have massively increased the amount of land they now want to take from the National Park to incorporate within their development site.  1 hectare of land is now proposed to be used to provide two access roads and excavate a large drainage lake. This would set a huge precedent for major development within a National Park which is nationally protected because of the natural beauty of its landscape.


We can't show you a map here because the Site Promoters, Cicero, won't let us use their map used in the planning application.  But this is a nice reminder of how things used to look on SS6.

demo 2.jpg
Object Now: Donate
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