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Other Related Consultations


The SPDs

These are the documents which 'flesh out' the bare bones of the Local Plan - Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs).  Health Warning: they are not statutory.  The Local Plan will become policy and will be adhered to but these SPDs are merely guidance.  


We have made two representations together - one objecting to the Masterplanning SPD and one objecting to the Recreational Impacts Mitigation Strategy for European Sites SPD.  You may read them by clicking below.

NFDC Masterplanning SPD Document

Find the original Masterplanning SPD by clicking here.

PALLS Masterplanning SPD Objection

Click on the button to read our representation (objection) to this document.

NFDC Recreational Impacts Mitigation Strategy for European Sites

Read the original NFDC document here - this is about how NFDC hope to offset the impact of building on our Green Belt and so close to such vulnerable areas.

PALLS Recreational Impacts SPD Objection

Click on the button to read our representation.

NFDC Guide to Developer Contributions SPD

We didn't write a representation on this SPD as it doesn't really affect the Lanes directly.  Our points are well covered in the other two objections.  However, the document is found by following the link on the button.

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