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PALLS Response to Insepctors' Report

April 17th 2020

The Lymington Times published an article based on our press release.

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PALLS' response to published Inspectors' Report

8th April 2020

Click on the link to see our latest press release which we have sent to the Lymington Times and New Milton Advertiser.

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Letter in Lymington Times from our Liberal Democrat District Councillor

18th July 2019

SIR – I, like many other local residents in Pennington, was unimpressed by the comments made by Cicero director Jason Lewis where he discussed his plans for more than 100 homes on Special Site 6 of the Local Plan, on land to the east of Lower Pennington Lane.

I was surprised at his estimate of “up to 50% affordable housing” at the site and how he thought this was somehow impressive.

I opposed the inclusion of Special Site 6 in the Local Plan because I have seen too many developers like Cicero promise so much and deliver so little when it comes to affordable housing.

This developer isn’t even offering so much. They are actively telling us they will not deliver more than half of the homes to be affordable. Fifty per cent should be the minimum.

I don’t want to see our green spaces concreted over just so a developer can make a pretty packet selling grossly overpriced houses to people who can afford it.

I hope the inspectors reject Cicero’s plans for the site.

Cllr Jack Davies, Liberal Democrat district councillor for Pennington


Local Plan Examination Coverage in Lymington Times

28th June 2019

PALLS receives good coverage of our representation at the Local Plan Examination.

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Letter to Lymington Times

14th June 2019

Bruce's letter highlighted the fact that NFDC admitted at the Local Plan Examination that significantly more homes could be built on most of the sites in the local plan.

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NFDC Ignore Mass Opposition to SS6

November 2nd, 2018

We are pleased to see in the Lymington Times that NFDC have finally made a public response to PALLS' claim that the council's  procudure on SS6 is undemocratic.  Interesting to note, though, that it seems that the council are willing to ignore the very people who elect them...

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Gossage: Lanes should be suburbanised

Monday 1st October, 2018

PALLS committee members met with Councillor Gossage, our recently elected New Forest District and Town Councillor, last week.  If you click on the image of Andrew you can read his full e-mail.

Cllr Gossage appears to have given up on both Lower Pennington and Ridgeway Lanes precisely up to the two proposed points of access to SS6 – very convenient for the developer.  However, PALLS has in no way given up on our Lanes and will continue to fight to keep our “Rural lanes with varied green verges and ditches; with hedgerow boundaries and mature native trees.” (p144 – Lymington Local Distinctiveness Report, 2011)


NFDC Ignoring Mass Opposition

28th September 2018

The Lymington Times published George Trevelyan's letter which highlighted the fact that NFDC are ploughing on with the submission of their plan despite huge amounts of local opposition.  Click on the image of the letter to see the text in full.

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PALLS Coverage on BBC South Today

Saturday 25th August 2018

We were pleased to receive coverage of our campaign to have SS6 removed from the Local Plan from South Today.  Our message came across very well from PALLS Chair, Bruce Tindall.


CPRE Announce Green Belt Betrayal

6th August 2018

The  Campaign to  Protect of Rural England speaks out about the use of green belt and re-opens the debate on where to build.  The photo above was taken of the Daily Telegraph article but if you click on it there is an excellent editorial from the Guardian.  


PALLS Speaks Out at Town Council Meeting

1st August 2018

On 1st August 2018, a public meeting of Lymington and Pennington Town Council was held.  One of the purposes of this meeting was for L&PTC to decide on their response to the Local Plan.  Opposition to SS6 was expressed passionately and eloquently by representatives of PALLS, Oakhaven and other local residents.  An eight page report, which was not made public until 10 minutes before the meeting,  detailed the Town Council's pre-prepared response and this was duly agreed by the council.

The Town Council share some but not all our concerns but agreed to tell the District Council (NFDC) that they don't believe site SS6 is deliverable in its entirety because of the adverse effect on the rural lanes and the sensitivity of the hospice.  That is good news but it doesn't save site SS6 and we need to campaign as hard as ever. 


Press Coverage for 'rambling protest'

27th July 2018

Thank you to all members who were able to support our protest on Tuesday 24th July.  We received press coverage in both the Lymington Times and the Southern Daily Echo.

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Protect Our Lanes - Protest Ramble against Pennington and Lymington Lanes Development

24th July 2018

Around 80 people joined PALLS, the Pennington and Lymington Lanes Society on Tuesday evening to mark their anger at the District Council’s proposal to build at least 100 houses between two country lanes leading to the saltmarshes and sea wall south of Pennington. Children, dog walkers, residents, cyclists and a hospice patient on a mobility scooter braved the heat to say a resounding ‘No to 100 + houses’.

Bruce Tindall, chair of PALLS said, ‘It is absolutely amazing that on one of the hottest days of the year during the holiday season and on the opening day of the New Forest Show the ramble organised by PALLS was supported by so many people of all ages.

Barely three weeks into the campaign over 230 residents from all over the Lymington area have joined PALLS to voice their opposition to the plans.   Bruce Tindall added, ‘It beggars belief that the District Council are seriously pursuing this plan to place at least 100 houses in such a sensitive area, ruining the tranquility and peace, surrounding Oakhaven Hospice with development and driving a road through the New Forest National Park to create a rat run through narrow lanes with barely enough room for two cars to pass.’

The damage this development will cause to our lanes, our landscape and our hospice is shameful.  Why didn’t NFDC involve the people of Pennington and Lymington earlier and develop a plan the community could support?  We now have less than 3 weeks left to make our concerns known. We would like to think that even at this late hour, our representatives on the Town Council might want to consider our concerns and represent them to NFDC.’

PALLS is not against development, but we believe in protecting the very special nature of our area for future generations.  We urge those who value it to join us by emailing us at and make their objections to NFDC before the cut off date of 12th August.’


PALLS Receives Local Press Coverage

13th July 2018

PALLS receives press coverage in the Lymington Times alongside an article highlighting the impact of new development on Oakhaven Hospice.

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