The Link Road on SS6
The through-route between Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway Lane
Why we object to it
The New Forest District Council (NFDC) Local Plan currently includes a road on SS6 which would allow vehicles to pass between Lower Pennington Lane and Ridgeway Lane. We have always challenged the inclusion of this through-route - mainly because it has never been justified with independent highways assessments.
Locally, we know that a route from Lower Pennington Lane which takes you to the rest of the lanes network will conveniently avoid any queuing at the roundabout onto the Milford Road. It will encourage the use of Poles Lane, Woodside Lane, Viney Road and so on, with traffic emerging at the bottom of the High Street from Captain's Row. Most of these lanes and roads would not, in our opinion, cope with any increase in traffic. It will be, in lay terms, a rat run.
We have never been given any evidence based justification or explanation as to why this through-route is required.
PALLS, Oakhaven Hospice and the Town Council all asked for the through-route to be removed from the Policy SS6 but were met with a brick wall.