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Cicero Community Consultation

24th May - 6th June 2021

As part of their pre-planning application procedure, Cicero Estates (site promoter of SS6) have launched their community consultation.

We welcome the opportunity to finally respond to the proposals which have been discussed in secret by both District and Town Council and the site promoters and landowners for almost 5 years.  The affected communities are given just two weeks. We have asked for more time.


We would urge you all to respond and let Cicero Estates know exactly what you think about their proposals.  Make sure you take a copy of your response – if you use the online form, screenshot it first or copy your comments into a separate document and keep them.  Regrettably responses to other consultations which applicants would rather not report have been ‘lost’.  Please feel free to copy any responses you send to the PALLS email account and we will make sure they are reported to the District Council.


PALLS are in the process of going through the information on the website and will submit a detailed response but we need all of you to send a clear message to the site promoter and the landowners (there does not appear to be any actual housebuilder yet) that this proposal is unacceptable and will be fought every step of the way.


You can see what is proposed from the link below.


We've also provided some information about different aspects of the scheme that you are welcome to use in your response.

Why is the consultation time so short?

Why we object....


These Plans Are Speculative

Where is the rest of SS6?

Link Road Will be a Rat Run

Re-Alignment of Ridgeway Lane Is Unnecessary, Dangerous and Destroys Character

Extra traffic will cause conflict with recreational users of the lanes

Mature lane side trees threatened

Dense Urban Development

Increase recreational pressure in the National Park

This development will...

Urbanise the National Park with new and widened roads adjacent to both lanes and harsh urban development built up to the boundary of the National Park.


Threaten our precious rural lanes and destroy the tranquillity and dark skies of the National Park.


None of this is inevitable if the site was properly planned, the rat-run removed and the development contained within the allocation area, protecting the National Park.



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